Benchmarking Your Supply Chain = Success 

Benchmarking Success Company Profile

  • Since 1993 Benchmarking Success has been providing industry, government and associations with supply chain benchmarking services focused on accelerating the path to best-in-class supply chain and logistics performance.
  • Benchmarking Success is committed to world class supply chain performance and is able to demonstrate how it has assisted companies both small and large to transform their supply chain to a demonstrable best-in-class performer. At this stage this is a source of competitive advantage for the business.
  • In 1995 Benchmarking Success developed a best practice model to assess business performance and to identify supply chain performance as well as improvement opportunities.

The best practice model has been applied to over 800 supply chains currently in the database to permit an effective supply chain performance comparisons to be made and to identify areas for potential improvement.

  • Benchmarking Success is a specialist Supply Chain Benchmarking and supply chain consulting service provider and has extensive experience in the application of benchmarking, key performance indicator (KPI) systems, and best practice methodologies to improve supply chain and business performance.
  • Our vision is to be the premier supply chain benchmarking service provider globally.
  • Headquartered in Sydney Australia, Benchmarking Success also has offices in Melbourne, Perth and Bangkok and offices opening shortly in Singapore and Vietnam.

“Our promise to our customers is to provide timely, correct and challenging information that assists the pursuit of improved performance on the path to world class”.

How We Benchmark Supply Chains

  • Benchmarking Success (BMS) is about Supply Chain development and improvement utilising:
    • A Supply Chain Diagnostic and Audit tool, and
    • Specialised Supply Chain consulting services, and
    • An interactive information exchange through Business Improvement Peer Groups
  • Performance is then compared to a Supply Chain Best Practice Model.
  • Creation of a strategic supply chain overview that assesses current and best practice performance where…
    • Service delivered by and through the supply chain,
    • Costs incurred across supply chain to deliver that service, and
    • Management inputs deployed that drive performance,

    are benchmarked with World Class Supply Chains from our database.

Our database contains over 800 supply chain businesses

Our customers come from a wide variety of industries as can be seen from the chart below. Our Supply Chain benchmarking database consists of inputs from organisations spanning the globe.

Supply Chain Benchmarking is spread across all industries

So why use Benchmarking Success?

HistorySince 1993 BMS has focused on supply chain development and improvement.
This has been supported by an approach leveraging a strong fact-based database of supply chain performance data and our leading practice business improvement peer groups.
Service FocusThe core business of BMS is developing a clarity of understanding for clients of the service delivered and the cost of delivering that service across their supply chain operations.
Fact BasedThe BMS supply chain performance database greatly assists in gaining organisational buy-in for change initiatives by being able to use facts to emphatically demonstrate current performance and what is possible.
Operational DepthBMS has successfully completed supply chain performance improvement audits for a variety of clients from small to large organisations across a wide range of industries.
Proven Track RecordBMS has been benchmarking supply chain and building a database for over 17 years with clients who frequently advise that the service exceeded their expectations
Customer AlignmentBMS regularly work alongside the client on major change projects, supplement client teams and align with client environments to deliver sustainable performance improvement outcomes.
Performance MonitoringAbility to periodically and accurately measure supply chain performance and contrast it with broader market movements facilitates strong management insight into ongoing performance
Pragmatic OutcomesThe combination of strong operational skills and supported by an extensive fact base enables BMS to pragmatically drive sustainable business value.
Risk ManagementDepth of operational, safety and industrial relations understanding alongside an extensive understanding of supply chains allows insightful and proactive risk management

Supply chain performance metrics or KPI’s from the basis of the BMS benchmarking approach

Metrics as a component of the Improvement Cycle

What BMS Processes Do

1.Health check of Supply Chain – overall well being of organisation Organisation can strategically answer – Is this where we want to be?BMS Outputs Relevant – Service & Cost Cloud, Inputs & Outputs Cloud, Level 1 SC KPIs.
2.Where to Look in Supply Chain to confirm health?Supply Chain visibility across the organisation.Radars – Outputs and Inputs, Probability of a Perfect Order, Level 1 KPIs.
3.What to focus on to improve SC health. Organisation can identify what to focus on.Level 1 KPIs, Cost histogram – current average, best, possible = prize, Perfect Order, Radars.
4.How to improve SC health – fix current issues Aggregate / process level by BMS, e.g. CS Pol. / Inv Pol. / Pareto of inventory. Then transactional analysis.BMS can assist, re: DIFOT, S&OP. Consultants – order profile analysis, cost to serve, transport contracts, network design etc.
5.How do I keep improving my SC?Annual update of PIR report, updates of cost histogram, perf order.Accompany on journey with like minded Peers via BMS Peer Group. Updated PIR report annually

Ask your specific questions about benchmarking and supply chain performance, KPI's, change management, organisational development and environmental sustainability performance.